You don’t need to be a full-time missionary to make a difference.
A task like Bible translation is so immense and so important, it doesn’t just belong to a few people. It belongs to all of us as Jesus commanded in Mark 16:15. By volunteering your time, expertise and experience, you can join the work God is doing among communities and churches worldwide, and the impact will be exponential!
You won’t be stuck doing menial tasks! All our volunteers are full members of their teams, providing critical skills, insight and value no matter how long they serve. All we ask in return is that you bring your commitment to Christ, your desire for humble collaboration and your passion that all people might access God’s Word.
We have opportunities in everything from marketing and communications to administration, finance, management, childcare, healthcare and more.
Mark's & Katherine's Stories
We know that young professionals and college students face an unfair job market: either the entry-level jobs require too much experience or the jobs that are available have less impact than a coffee run.
But not at Wycliffe. When students Katherine and Mark were thinking about the next steps in their career, they were amazed to find they could make a real world impact while gaining valuable experience as short-term volunteers. Katherine found her niche in writing, while Mark served in information technology.
Mark loved the practical experience he received. “I really don’t have any professional experience in software engineering yet,” Mark said. “[This] … is my first time being a professional in the field of computers [and] software technology. That has been my biggest takeaway [and] most valuable experience: being a professional working in a professional environment.”

Katherine also appreciated a broadened perspective: “This … opened my eyes to the importance of the global Church and of American Christians being in communication with our brothers and sisters across the world. I don’t yet know how God will use this, but that’s what He’s been putting on my heart.”

Katherine continued: “[Serving with Wycliffe] is a great opportunity because there are so many different roles that you can really find one to work with your skills. It's really exciting to contribute to this ministry and use your skills to support Bible translation in a way you might not have thought of. It was also nice to work in an environment that is about relationship building, not just about what we produce or accomplish. … It’s about how you are growing as a person.”
Mark agreed. “You will get everything out of your … [experience] that you would hope to get, and you are also contributing to a ministry. You know the work you’re doing is worthwhile.”
Lyn's story
Lyn Techau’s church had partnered with a Wycliffe missionary for years, but she didn’t realize she could have an active part in the ministry until one day she read the missionary’s newsletter sharing the need for administrative help.

"I'd felt God nudging me for a while to make a change. Finally, I made the decision to leave a 23-year career in the corporate world to serve my family better and see what opportunities there were to serve Him better. Once I realized there were needs at Wycliffe that I could fill but still work out of my home and around my family's schedule, it felt like God was confirming that I made the right decision.”
Now Lyn makes a difference as a part-time volunteer by keeping projects running smoothly and helping people stay organized on the recruitment marketing team. Her valuable corporate experience and heart for missions is making an impact as she enables the U.S. church to hear about opportunities to get involved in Bible translation!
David & Kris' story
“When you are in your 70s, usually people start thinking of retirement, but we think of adventure!” Kris exclaimed.

Teachers David and Kris Nelson have served in missions all over the world during their 46 years of marriage. While many people their age are now retiring, the Nelson’s are volunteering with Wycliffe as educators and administrators, and their passion for BIble translation continues to grow.
David said: “I hear so many people my age asking, ‘What am I going to do when I’m retired?’ I ask, ‘What are your passions? How can you serve God?’ There’s nothing more valuable or more fulfilling than … helping people who have never heard the name of Jesus find out who he is.”
“Not everyone might want adventure,” Kris continued. “But retired people have skills they can use, even from home.” During one of their trips, Kris used her organizational skills to file and digitize hundreds of documents that contained critical cultural and language analysis which had previously been inaccessible to missionaries.
“What if instead of telling someone, ‘Be safe,’ we said, ‘Be bold’?” David asked. “God’s going to fill in the gap and … show you how majestic and huge he is. It doesn’t have to make sense. That’s where trust and faith comes in. How many people [who are 70 years old] can look back on their life and say, ‘That was the right thing to do; I didn’t waste my life’?”
He laughed: “And we’re not done yet!”
Less Than Six Months
Looking for an opportunity to quickly accelerate a short-scale project, serve seasonally at the Orlando center or explore short-term opportunities? Our partner, Wycliffe Associates, provides the care and placement for people like you to get involved in the global Bible translation movement.
Connect with them today!
More Than Six Months
If you’re ready to make an ongoing impact on Bible translation, we have many opportunities to serve for six months or more. Most volunteers who serve more than six months offer a minimum of 15 hours a week, and they may work in areas such as IT, marketing and communications, recruiting, Perspectives, human resources, health and member care, finance, management and consulting.
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And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."
— Mark 16:15 (NLT)